Hello Free SafeList Members,
Over the last few days we have noticed alot of email bouncing back because of "full email accounts", "unknown domain error" or "user does not exist" errors.
We also have noticed some members have an auto-responder on their email account. This is not allowed and will be treated as a bounced message from now on.
This has caused a huge load increase in our server as it attempts to redeliver most of the emails.
We will be turning off the credit mailer later tonight to make sure all emails are delivered and then we will begin cleaning up the list by putting the members who fall into the above categories into "Bounce Mode" immediately. The system does this automatically but is a lot less strict as there can be many reasons for a bounced email these days and many ISP's do not use standard email error codes anymore, especially the "550 User Does Not Exist". These are given out to detract spammers from emailing the account but it obviously doesn't work!
So when you log in again you might get a message that you are on "Bounce Mode". It will issue instructions on how to fix this. Bounced accounts are not allowed to send email until they fix the problem which is usually get a new email account.
Also we will be putting people with emails that are in our blocked domain list or have the same contact and list email address into bounce mode.
These actions will effect a lot of older users and will decrease our list size but as we announced early this month that we would be doing this at the end of the month and all members with Yahoo, Hotmail and other banned domains as their contact or list email must change their email.
We plan to have the mailer down for only a few hours and other then send email all other programs will function (you can still read emails and get credit and refer other people).
If anyone has any questions please contact us.
Again we would to thank all of members for making us the fastest growing Safe List and we appreciate your support.
The Free SafeList Mailing Staff
Kudos to the staff of Free Safelist Mailer staff. I sent out an ad last week, I got about zero traffic. This way, at least now I'll have a fighting chance of getting my stuff read.
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